Our Amazon sellers lawyers help suspended sellers get their accounts & listings back. We are great at what we do for one reason: we have a fantastic team of college-educated people working together in our New York and China offices.
Rosenbaum & Segall PC – the law firm behind AmazonSellersLawyer.com
Leslie Gillis
Senior Litigation Attorney
Jennifer McDonald
Client Relations
Marisol Lake
Client Relations
Vincent Famularo
Senior Paralegal / Lead Government Liaison
Jacques Lavaud
Senior Paralegal / Manager of Former Amazon Staff / MBA Candidate
Sean Banahan
Sinan Ponnakkal
Paralegal / Former Amazon Staff
Miles Rivera
Angelie Domingo
Billing and Accounting
Hope Warnett
Manager / Billing and Accounting
Rahul Prasad
Paralegal / Former Amazon Staff
Farha Zaidi
Paralegal / Former Amazon Staff
Genevieve Fernandez
Litigation Paralegal
Tifany Fortuna
Manager / Content & Marketing
Tin Tula
Content & Marketing
Attorney-Client Confidentiality: Your information is safe when you contact our Amazon Sellers Lawyers.
When an Amazon seller calls us to help with their suspended account, to defend them against intellectual property allegations or any other issue, every seller who contacts us is entitled and receives the safety of the Attorney-Client Privilege. Amazon sellers do not have to worry that we will use information about their products, listings or any other information they provide against them or to compete with them. Nobody who works at our law firm is permitted to become an Amazon seller.
Our team has authored / co-authored multiple books and thousands of pages of content specifically for Amazon sellers:
Your Guide to Amazon Suspensions
Your Guide to Selling Fashion on Amazon
Amazon Sellers’ Guide: Chinese Intellectual Property Law