False counterfeit complaints are when brands accuse sellers of selling counterfeit products when they are selling 100% genuine products.

When that occurs, the victimized sellers usually have at least 2 legal claims that they can use as leverage or use to sue in court: Defamation & Interference with Contract. We rep these sellers and use the claims to negotiate resolutions and we can and have started lawsuits against the brands making wrongful claims against Amazon sellers.

False counterfeit complaints asserted against AMZ sellers often result in the suspension of the seller’s account or Amazon listings, and the loss of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales.

However, Amazon sellers have recourse under at least two legal claims:

1. Defamation or Defamation Per Se

The first legal claim that suspended Amazon sellers may have against a brand that made a false counterfeit complaint is defamation. Again, the laws surrounding defamation vary from state to state but using New York as an example, defamation is a false statement, published to a third party without privilege or authorization, with fault amounting to at least negligence, that caused special harm or defamation per se. Defamation Per Se is where the false accusation is that you engaged in a crime, like knowingly selling counterfeit goods.

Have you been falsely accused of selling counterfeit products?

You may be entitled to significant damages.

If you’re selling on Amazon & have been falsely accused of selling counterfeit products, WE want to talk to YOU.


2. Tortious Interference with Contract

The second legal claim suspended Amazon sellers have when brands make false complaints that you sold counterfeit goods is tortious interference with contract.

While the law regarding tortious interference varies between states, the idea is the same as New York law. A claim for tortious interference is established when a brand interferes with an Amazon seller’s contract with Amazon with a false complaint that the seller sold counterfeit products.

The legalese for claims of tortious interference with contract is that the claim is established when “a valid contract existed which a third party knew about, the third party intentionally and improperly procured the breach of the contract, and the breach resulted in damage to the plaintiff.”

Amazon Litigation Fighting False Infringement, Counterfeit & Baseless Complaints - Know Your Rights - Brands Boycotted

Amazon Sellers Fighting Back When Falsely Accused of Selling Counterfeit Products

Big brands continue to abuse Amazon’s intellectual property system. Their counterfeit complaints against Amazon sellers are often baseless because AMZ sellers are usually selling genuine products. They’re NOT selling counterfeit goods.

Amazon baseless complaints made against sellers (Counterfeit & Inauthentic)

The basic factors pertaining to suspended Amazon sellers who receive false complaints of selling counterfeits:

False Statement: The false counterfeit complaint sent to Amazon is the false statement described in the law.

Publication: when a brand sends a false statement to Amazon via email, letter or Amazon’s submission form, that qualifies as a publication of the false accusation.

Negligent: When the brand fails to check your products and confirm that you were selling genuine products and not counterfeit, that qualifies the negligent element of the case.

Harm to the AMZ seller: the suspension of your account, loss of sales & diminished value of your business qualifies as harm.

When we break down elements of legal claims for suspended sellers who receive false complaints of selling counterfeit products, they are as follows:

A valid contract: This is your contract to sell on Amazon.com.

3rd party / brand intentionally breaches contract, issues a complaint against your account & because of the counterfeit complaint, AMZ suspends you.

Third party / the brand knew you were selling on Amazon.

Damages: You lost sales and / or the value of your Amazon business was diminished because of the false counterfeit complaint asserted against you.

Recovering Damages from Brands that File False Counterfeit Complaints Against You

We have lots of content about false counterfeit complaints made against sellers. See more below:

baseless IP complaints on Amazon
allegations selling counterfeit products Amazon hotbed for them
Amazon Complaint: When Is A Counterfeit Complaint Baseless?
How to Reinstate an Amazon Seller Account After a False Counterfeit Complaint
accused of selling counterfeit items
How to Recover Costs After Suffering Damages From False Fraudulent Claims
accused of selling fake - resolve counterfeit complaints
account gets deactivated baseless complaints against Amazon sellers
know your rights as an Amazon seller
Worst Thing Sellers Can Do after they receive a Lawsuit from Amazon
Sellers Wrongfully Accused of Copyright Infringement on Amazon
false counterfeit complaint on Amazon
counterfeit allegations on Amazon
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS If Receiving Threatening Letters From Law Firms
How to Remove an IP Complaint Off Your Account & Protect Your Sales on Amazon
Accused of Having Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon? Resolving Lawsuits & Protecting Assets
accused of selling counterfeit
Sellers Receiving MISINFORMATION about Litigation from Amazon Forums

Has an Amazon suspension destroyed your business? The solution is here. We have hundreds of happy client reviews and many reinstatement successes.

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