Amazon Seller’s Guide – How To Avoid Account & Listing Suspensions on AMZ in 2022

How to tell who is a serious seller on Amazon…

Tip number one from Jen, do not input invalid tracking numbers simply to hit Amazon’s deadline.

We are seeing a tremendous number of sellers who entire account suspended because they’re afraid of having one or two shipments that are running late. Invalid tracking numbers is a huge source of problems for you. Don’t input invalid tracking numbers. Bite the bullet if it gets there late. It’s an easier case to win than if you really try to pull the wool over Amazon’s eyes by putting in a BS tracking number.

Number two, do not repeatedly message seller support or submit appeals over an over and over again without giving their team the chance to review it and make a decision.

All you’re doing is shooting yourself in the foot and there’s a rule. It’s called the rule of holes, H-O-L-E-S. The rule basically says this, when you’re in a hole, stop digging. So have us do a great plan of action for you or look at our book, the Amazon Sellers Guide to Suspensions and Reinstatements, and write your own killer plan of action. But once you send it in, give them some time to evaluate it.

Tip number three, Amazon sellers often have to send invoices to Amazon, especially on inauthentic suspensions or IP complaints and you have to show the products are genuine.

So when you submit those invoices, don’t make any marks. That’s tip number three. Do not alter your invoices in any way, shape or form. If you need to draw their attention to something on your invoice, submit one copy of the invoice where you didn’t touch it and submit a second one where maybe you’re circling something or you’re highlighting something or you’re sticking an arrow on it, but you got to submit an unadulterated invoice with your plan of action to Amazon. You cannot just simply send an invoice that you messed around with, even if it’s to draw the attention to something really simple.

To learn more about writing your own plan of action for Amazon:


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