How To Take The DECISION Making Out Of Amazon’s Hands when your appeals failed.

When your plans of action fail, when your appeals fail, the last step to take your dispute out of the hands of Amazon is to take Amazon to arbitration, and that’s what I’m going to be talking about today.

Okay, Amazon seller, so you send in plans of action, and you don’t get reinstated. You send in appeals, you don’t get reinstated. You send your invoices, you show your products are genuine, and you just can’t get or account reinstated. What do you do?

Well, if you look at the business solutions agreement, that’s your contract with Amazon, it’s often referred to as the TOS, or the terms of service, all disputes that you can’t resolve amicably against Amazon go to arbitration. But often before you file for arbitration, you might want to contact the other side and say, “This is the case. We’re clearly going to be successful. Is it possible that we can resolve this issue before we file for arbitration?” We don’t always follow this path, but sometimes we do.

We’ve been working with Amazon’s outside counsel for years now. Luckily, hundreds of cases, and often either before filing for the arbitration or right at the outset when we draft the demand for arbitration, we can try and resolve your issues without going the full distance because you get another set of eyes on the case, Amazon’s outside counsel, their internal teams with Amazon. If just seller performance, seller support, appeals, the old Bezos’ escalation team, if you can’t get it resolved, contact us because the next step, arbitration, may very well be successful when your plans of action and / or your appeals failed.


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