How To AVOID Patent Issues On AMZ When Trying To Sell The Next BIG Product

You want to make a boatload of money by identifying and selling the next fidget spinner? This video is for you, but it has to do with patent issues.

Okay, what are the latest patent issues on AMZ? Well, what happens, more than you would think, is that Amazon sellers just like you go to factories, go to trade shows like ASD in Las Vegas, Global Sources in Hong Kong, and you find a product and you think it’s absolutely going to crush it. So you order a truckload of it, a massive amount, you double down on that product.

Then when you start to sell on Amazon, all of a sudden, you receive a patent complaint.

So one, you can’t trust Alibaba. Okay? You can’t.

Two, it doesn’t take a whole lot of time, or a whole lot of money if you want us to do it, to look at a product. Check the USPTO, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and then get an opinion, say, “Hey, does this product look all right? Should I expect a patent violation if I start selling this product?”

Declan provided this tip for me to deliver to you Amazon sellers. If you want to learn more about patent issues on AMZ:


Is Amazon MORE Receptive To Accepting A Legal Opinion Letter Written By YOUR Attorney?

What we’ve seen over the past week or so when it comes to patent complaints, that you can go to the Neutral Patent Evaluation Program, you can get a retraction, and we’ve seen at least one Amazon case where Amazon asked for a legal opinion letter from your attorney, which was us. So this could be really, really great news.

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