Mark Cuban Joins Amazon Exclusives

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Mark Cuban Joins Amazon Exclusives Mark Cuban, a well-known TV personality and investor who appears on the hit series on Shark Tank, is set to join Amazon Exclusives. Cuban has stated that he realizes the power of Amazon and how joining the platform can quickly skyrocket sales for the entrepreneurs

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New Developments for Amazon India

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New Developments for Amazon India Amazon India is expanding its reach by instructing sellers on how to sell their weavings and handmade goods online. The Development Commissioner Handloom of the Union Ministry of Textiles formulated a partnership with Amazon India. The team has already held workshops in Kota and Bargarh,

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Amazon Counterfeit Products

amazon counterfeit products

Merchants Alarmed at Rise in Amazon Counterfeit Items As a law firm focused on Amazon sellers, we deal with Amazon counterfeit product issues every day. Whether it’s another seller infringing upon your trademark – or on the other hand, an unwarranted counterfeit product complaint against you – the Amazon marketplace has become

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Amazon eBooks Being Given to NYC Schools

amazon ebooks nyc

Amazon eBooks Being Given to NYC Schools Amazon continues to display its dedication to books, reading, and education with various new business developments. The latest is a deal made with New York City schools – on Wednesday, Amazon signed a 3-year $30 million dollar agreement to provide Amazon eBooks to

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Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video Stands Alone Amazon Prime Video has made its debut as an individual video streaming service, offering a great alternative to its previous availability as a members-only feature. Until now, Amazon Prime Video was an exclusive service for customers who paid the yearly rate for Prime. This new option lets non-Prime members pay per month for premium service, with

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