Amazon Safety Complaint: Buyers Mistake Serial Number for Expiration Date on Product

Book: Your Guide to Amazon SuspensionsToday your Amazon Sellers Lawyer inside information has to do with how we win safety complaint suspensions. You’re going to hear from a huge asset to our firm (her name is Alexa Alers) about a real case in how she won a safety complaint suspension.

Before we get to Alexa, I want to make sure that every single seller out there knows that you can download the Amazon Sellers’ Guide to Suspensions & Reinstatement for free from our website. Go to this link and download a free copy of our latest book, the Amazon Sellers’ Guide to Suspensions & Reinstatement. This book teaches you how to avoid suspensions. It also shares our information with you on how to get your accounts and listings back by writing the world’s greatest plans of action. Now, here is Alexa Alers with how to win a safety complaint suspension.

Hi everyone. My name is Alexa Alers. I am a paralegal at Rosenbaum Famularo, PC. Today I wanted to talk to you guys about a success that I just had. So this is about a safety complaint. Customers believed that the numbers that were printed on the bottle were the expiration date when in fact they actually happened to be the lot number for the bottles. Now there’s certain products, like conditioners or other hair type products, that they, by law, have to have a lot number or have to have another kind of identification number on them.

We had to explain this to Amazon. We briefly summed that up and we were able to get the listing back up for the seller. This was a very straightforward case. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-877-9-SELLER. Thank you.

For other information on safety complaints:

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