Inauthentic Suspensions & Invoices: What should be on the invoice?

CJ Rosenbaum, one of the founding partners of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, law firm behind, talks about invoices. If you are suspended under this nonsense of an inauthentic allegation and it pertains to your entire account being suspended, contact us today 1-877-9-Seller.


1. NAME: Who purchased the goods for resale?
Who did the distributor sell the products to, under what name. When you are buying products for your Amazon account, have the invoice made out to the name of the Amazon account. And if you can’t get it made out to the name of the Amazon account or you didn’t, have it made out to the person’s name behind the Amazon account or the corporation behind the Amazon account.

2. ADDRESS: Is the address matching your Amazon account?
The address on the invoice should match the physical address on your Amazon account. Whatever address you put down when you open the account, you want it to match verbatim – same street, same number, same city, same zip code, same everything.

3. WEBSITE: Is your website on the invoice?
If you are selling on Amazon, you want your URL on the invoice. It shows that you are a legitimate business. But what you really need to be careful about is that the website works and does not have your product being sold for any less than the price it is selling for on Amazon.

4. EMAIL: Make sure that the invoice has your email address that is the same exact main email address that you have on your Amazon account.

5. PHONE NUMBER: You want to have your phone number match. You want to make sure the phone number works and if they call, you pick up.

6. DATES: The dates on the invoice must make sense compared to the dates of suspension.

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

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For more information on Amazon suspensions & appeals, visit here.

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