CJ Rosenbaum & Dana Rodriguez discuss another reinstatement success for a drop shipper.
Our client was using a software for her shopping cart and it malfunctioned. Here at AmazonSellersLawyer.com, we put together a Plan of Action. Unfortunately, she didn’t receive a response from Amazon. We then advised our client that she would have to stop using the software completely and that would most likely get her reinstated. She took our advice. We wrote an escalation plan to Jeff Bezos’ team and it worked – she was reinstated.
Active Steps: Show Amazon you are making changes and actively trying to fix the issue. Normally, we wouldn’t go to the Bezos team, except this particular client had tried to do her own Plan of Action herself and failed. As a seller on Amazon should know, you have to take responsibility. So, while it was a software problem, the seller took responsibility by changing the way she did business and got rid of the software. By making these changes to her business, she was able to get reinstated.
The process we use to create POA’s for our clients:
1. Every POA is conferenced among our team in a collaborative work environment.
2. Nothing is outsourced.
3. Sellers who hire us get the benefit of our entire team’s cumulative knowledge.
Suspended Drop Shippers Reinstated Worldwide
ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.
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