Amazon Cracking Down on Third-Party Service Causing Seller Accounts to Shut Down

If you are using a third-party service, and you think that that service, whether it was rebates, reviews, or something else to generate sales, you think that caused or contributed to your account deactivation, this video is for you.

Amazon sellers. So this is Briana. She is one of our remarkable paralegals, smart as can be. I mean, absolutely a brilliant member of our team. She’s working with an Amazon seller who had previously used us for a plan of action.

As soon as he had a problem, he came back to us. Many of you may not realize this, but fully one-third of our clients are people in companies who’ve used us before because we are simply that good that our clients come back to us every single time they hit a bump in the road selling on Amazon.

This particular Amazon seller was using a third-party company to help generate sales.

It wasn’t as bad as incentivized reviews. It wasn’t as bad as using friends and family on Facebook to buy products and leave great reviews. It certainly wasn’t as bad as some of the rebate software that’s out there. But the client was using this third-party company to help generate sales. They believed, and we believed that was a contributing factor to the suspension.

Not only did we suggest to our client that they cancel that service, but in that email to take the email, confirm the cancellation of the service, use it within the plan of action to persuade Amazon staff over in India to reinstate the seller’s account. And guess what, Briana, you did it, this seller, by the time you folks are watching this video, this seller is back online, back to making money, back to making his payroll.

Amazon sellers, if you want the greatest minds on earth, the greatest plans of action that exist that are created individually for you, contact us to help you write your plan of action because I’ve got the greatest team on earth when it comes to helping people in companies who are selling products on Amazon.

If you have a problem with Amazon causing seller accounts to shut down:


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