Amazon Seller Account Suspension:

How to Write a Plan of Action for Inauthentic Product Complaints

In today’s Amazon Insider Information, Jacques from our team will be going over the steps you can take to resolve inauthentic complaints.

Accommodating concerned customers and vetting your inventory to mitigate future complaints are just a few steps we recommend taking when faced with these complaints. Providing Amazon with the invoices, UPCs, item numbers, and other items so that these complaints can be resolved as quickly as possible is a key part of keeping your account healthy and business growing.

Welcome to another Amazon Insider Information. My name is Jacques, paralegal at Rosenbaum Famularo. Today I’m here to talk to you about inauthentic complaints. If you’re receiving inauthentic complaints, the product you’re selling might not match the listing page or the customer received a product that they believe is inauthentic or different than what they ordered. So, what do you do when that happens? You want to reach out to the customer that made the complaint and try to figure out why they believe the product is inauthentic. You want to issue a refund if possible and do everything in your power to make sure the customer is happy.

On the Amazon side of things, you want to make sure to have invoices ready. Make sure your invoices have UPCs, item numbers, supplier information and website – anything that can trace the product back to your supplier for Amazon to see that the product is authentic. At the same time, you want to thoroughly vet your inventory in order to ensure that the products you have in your inventory are also authentic, because you don’t want to have an issue where you have an inauthentic inventory and you continue to receive the same complaint over and over again. You want to nip these issues in the bud and make sure all your products are authentic.

*** If you hired another company to draft your Plan of Action or Appeal and they are not available to you, contact us today. We are here for Amazon sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST ***

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.

For more information on inauthentic product complaints:

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