How To Do A Plan Of Action For Account Reactivation

Are you an amazon seller struggling to take your business to the next level? Perhaps you need a plan of action that is specifically tailored to your unique situation. In this video, I share three persuasive plans of action that can help get your listing and account reactivated.

What is a Plan of Action?

A plan of action is a tool used to get your seller account reinstated on Amazon by explaining how the issue occurred, and what steps will be taken to ensure there is not a repetitive issue. When written effectively and persuasively, this plan can assist amazon sellers in being reinstated quickly.

An effective Plan of Action should include:

  • a root cause of the issue being addressed
  • immediate corrective actions
  • long term changes to your business
  • documents and evidence which supports your plan


Every Amazon Seller should use a Plan of Action (POA) when attempting to reverse their account suspension. The Plan of Action is going to highlight all the bullet points above and help expediate the process of reversing your account suspension on Amazon. Once your suspension is lifted, you can start selling again on Amazon but it first starts with sending a Plan of Action to Amazon for their escalation team to review and make a decision regarding your account status.

You can use a template for your Plan of Action but at times you might need to have a customized plan of action before you submit your appeal to Amazon. Ultimately, we want to show Amazon that you understand what you did, how you are going to rectify the issue, and what steps you are going to take forward to prevent infractions or suspension again.

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