Expired Product Suspensions Are Going Up On Amazon!

BREAKING NEWS AMZ! If you’re selling products on Amazon, be warned: expired product suspensions are going up. But don’t worry, we’ve got a solution that will help you stay in control of your inventory. In this video, we’ll show you how a new inventory control system can help keep your products from being suspended.

Suspensions are increasing for expired products being distributed on Amazon, so it is crucial that you take the right steps to combat this issue and keep your seller account active.

How should you combat this issue?

When Amazon notifies you of an issue that was recognized with your account, in this case, that you are distributing expired products, it is your responsibility to submit a Plan of Action which details the changes you will be making to your business to avoid a repetitive issue. At Amazon Sellers Lawyer, a pattern of success has been identified for plans which incorporate a change to their storage and distribution system which is typically called “First In, First Out Inventory” because this step prioritizes consumer desires.

This system enables a business to improve product and inventory control, as it functions by identifying what products come in first and ensuring that these are also the first products distributed to customers and/or Amazon fulfillment centers for FBA. Amazon runs a platform that is largely focused on appeasing the demands of sellers, therefore it is essential that your business maintain a system that meets these goals in order to minimize complaints. The “First In, First Out Inventory” system is an effective tactic for avoiding suspensions on Amazon, as well as recovering and reinstating your account after a suspension has been initiated.

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