Meet Jason

After serving in the United States Navy for 8 years and working in international business for 7 years, I now help suspended Amazon sellers around the world.

After my training with Anthony Famularo, Esq., I work alongside Anthony and the team of paralegals at Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C.  Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. is the law firm behind Anthony and all of the paralegals that draft our clients’ Plans of Action work together in our New York office in our Amazon Sellers’ War Room. Every Plan of Action is conferenced among the entire team. Every Plan of Action includes us speaking with and working with the particular client.

In addition to obtaining the reinstatement of a suspended Amazon seller earlier today, I finalized a Plan of Action for another suspended Amazon seller. I also drafted a Jeff Bezos Escalation for a client whose Amazon account was suspended due to inauthentic complaints.


In sum, our client purchases their products wholesale. While our suspended Amazon seller purchases products that are all new and authentic, they do not always come in the original manufacturer packaging. According to Amazon policy, if the product does not come in the original manufacturer packaging it is not supposed to be sold as new.

At our suggestion, the client removed all listings where she cannot provide Amazon’s customers with products in the original packaging. We also obtained and submitted photos of inventory where our suspended Amazon seller had the original packaging to show Amazon how the products look when received by Amazon’s customers. The pictures show that Amazon’s customers receive awesome products. Also, our client is re-listing the products under ASINs that describes the products’ actual condition.

Intellectual Property Law

My day also included reviewing a finalized Notice Dispute case that I co-wrote with another paralegal on our team. This client’s account was suspended due to an intellectual property infringement complaint. Initially we emailed the complainant requesting the basis for complainant and referencing the First Sale Doctrine. The complainant never responded to our email. I tracked down a phone number for the company where the email originated and found that the complainant had not worked for the company for years.

Our efforts to obtain a retraction of the rights owner complaint included speaking with the president of the company over the phone and emails.   We anticipate this suspended Amazon seller being reinstated soon.

I also worked on a Plan of Action for a client with another suspended account.  This Amazon account was suspended based upon an “inauthentic” allegation.  After reviewing the client’s account, we found that the account health, feedback and all of the metrics were good.  The negative feedback for the ASINs in question addressed the quality of the product, not the authenticity of the product. The client provided all necessary invoices and they correlated the ASINs.  We drafted a Plan of Action that made it as simple as possible for the Amazon staff to confirm our client’s products were traceable to the manufacturer.  This is what our Plans of Action do: persuade Amazon’s staff to reinstate our clients suspended accounts.

Jason Timchula, Paralegal, Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C.,

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