AMAZON SELLERS’ LAWYER SUCCESS: Recently, we were defending a client who received a counterfeit complaint. What was most interesting about this case was that our client was able to prove that the product was authentic.

Product Did Not Match Amazon Listing

The issue here was that after we reached out to the complainant who was selling toothpicks, we were informed that the amount of toothpicks on our client’s package wasn’t identical to the amount posted on the listing. That is an Amazon violation because the product itself did not exactly match the listing details, however, the product was not counterfeit.

When it comes to the description of a product on Amazon, you want that description to be as detailed as possible. A seller needs to double check to ensure that the SKU, UPC code, description, name of product, size, available colors and versions of the product must match the listing description EXACTLY.

Amazon’s Product Details page states:

You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This is materially different from the older version. It must be listed as a new ASIN.

More information regarding Amazon’s rules can be found on the Seller Central page under policies and agreements.

We were able to show Amazon that just because the amount of toothpicks in the box was not identical to the amount described under the listing title, that did not mean the product was counterfeit. Amazon then reinstated the listing.

At Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, the law firm behind, we help both new and experienced sellers who’ve received a counterfeit complaint. Unlike Amazon, we provide you with people you can talk to; everyone who answers the phone at our firm is able to give sellers advice. There are no receptionists; our entire team knows our piece of the Amazon puzzle inside and out. Anyone who answers the phone will be able to provide assistance. We have a full team of people who are willing to work to help get you reinstated.

Contact ASL Law FirmIf you have received a counterfeit complaint, contact us for a free consultation today:
[email protected]

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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