How To Reactivate Amazon Seller Account After Suspension

Plan of Action

If your Amazon seller account has been suspended or deactivated, don’t panic. You can still get back to selling on Amazon by writing a compelling appeal letter and submitting a solid Amazon Plan of Action (POA) to reverse the suspension.

At, we help sellers win their Amazon appeals by drafting detailed and well-organized POAs that address the root cause of the suspension, outline the immediate corrective actions taken, and present long-term or systemic changes to prevent future issues.

In cases of inauthentic suspensions, having killer documentation is key. You should gather all your invoices and sourcing documents and go through them with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that all the information matches your Amazon account and that the sources have an internet presence that can be verified by Amazon.

When drafting your POA, be honest about the errors made and how you have fixed them. It’s recommended that you have an attorney write your POA, like CJ Rosenbaum at, who has helped countless sellers reactivate their accounts.

It’s important not to redact any information from your invoices as Amazon may use this against you in arbitration. Make sure the number of units purchased matches what you sent to Amazon, and that the pricing is accurate.

If you need more guidance on how to evaluate your invoices or reactivate your Amazon seller account, we’re here to help seven days a week, 365 days a year, including holidays, weekends, and nights. Contact to learn more.

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