What To Do When You Receive Numerous IP Complaints on Amazon?

Multiple IP Complaints can be a serious issue for Amazon sellers.

If you receive Intellectual property complaints, what should you do?

In this video, we’ll offer some tips to help you protect your intellectual property and stay in compliance with Amazon’s policies.

Multiple IP complaints on your account

If your Amazon seller account is still activated, it is important to maintain account health. If you are a seller who has been deactivated or suspended for receiving multiple IP complaints, it is crucial that you take action to get these complaints retracted.

If you have received numerous IP complaints, you should organize a list of these claims beginning with the most recent, and analyzing whether or not you have infringed on intellectual property rights. You should then reach out to whoever has lodged the complaints against you with the goal of having them retract the claims so that Amazon will reinstate your account. The process may be as simple as contacting the complainer and explaining that their claim was wrong or persuading them to issue a retraction.

It is important to acknowledge that if your Amazon seller account is long standing and has a history of good business practices, it may not be essential that each and every complaint is retracted.

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