Letters from Vorys Law Firm are being sent to Amazon Sellers who are accused of unauthorized selling and/or counterfeit claims from brands they represent. If you’re an Amazon seller, unauthorized selling and counterfeit claims can get your account suspended.

In this video, I will show you how to respond to baseless counterfeit claims against your Amazon business.

My advice to Amazon sellers: don’t be afraid and follow the steps I mentioned in this video.

Vorys law firm

Vorys law firm has a reputation for sending threatening letters to Amazon sellers claiming that they cannot sell certain branded products, though they rarely follow up on these claims with litigation. Most of the claims made by this firm are baseless, but it is important to know that they are now taking claims to court more often than before.

Advice for sellers

If you receive a letter threatening you with legal action, it is in your best interest to respond to the claims. You should let the filer know that the claims they have made are baseless and you are not selling counterfeit or infringing products. If they are confident that there is merit to the claims being made, ask for access to the information so that you can evaluate it for yourself.

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