How To Get IP Retractions & Show Baseless Complaints To Amazon:
Amazon sellers who have multiple intellectual property complaints against their accounts: Getting retractions, Showing Amazon the complaints are baseless, Removing the alleged infringing material.
I’m going to talk to you about how we handle Amazon sellers who have multiple intellectual property right complaints against their account. And then all of a sudden, they find themselves suspended with a whole list of these complaints.
So here are 3 methods I’m going to talk to you about: Number one, getting retractions. Number two, showing Amazon that complaints are baseless. And number three, removing the alleged infringing material.
So number one, get retractions.
You get a brand owner or a complainant, whoever they are, to retract the complaint, send it to Amazon from the same email address from which the complaint was asserted. You can get your account back. Great news. You don’t need 100% success. You just need to show traction and then submit a killer plan of action to Amazon showing what you’ve done and what you are going to continue to do. We get accounts reinstated by this method all the time.
Number two, show Amazon that the complaints are baseless.
Maybe the person or company that made the complaint, they don’t even own the intellectual property rights. You could find this out by checking the USPTO. You can show Amazon that the complainant doesn’t own the rights they complained about. Vin, one of our killer paralegals won a case just like this last week. Show Amazon the complaint is baseless. That’s another method of getting your account back.
Method number three is to remove the infringing material from your listing if you control the listing.
Now this works a lot more for copyright complaints where you remove the picture, you change the verbiage, and you create a new picture or some new verbiage and put it up and describe that to Amazon, a plan of action by removing the infringing material, the allegedly infringing material. It is the third method of getting your account back or getting your listing back after you receive an intellectual property complaint.