Fighting Baseless IP Complaints & Winning Reinstatements – Amazon Sellers Lawyer Success

Amazon sellers, we help you get reinstated every day. Literally, seven days a week, 365 days a year, my insanely awesome team focuses on nothing but issues in light of Amazon. So what I’m going to talk to you about today are some of the cases that we’ve won over the last few days. And the purpose is not just to brag about how awesome we are. It’s so you know whatever issue you’re facing, you are not alone and you can almost always get your listing/account back and continue to thrive on Amazon. So let’s get right into it…

Today’s insanely awesome wins include cases where sellers were accused of copyright infringement, trademark infringement, selling inauthentic goods, high ODR rates, used sold as new, related accounts.

I think one of the things that is just the greatest compliment of all is when old clients, experienced sellers, come back to us for help. If you don’t know this, roughly a third of our cases are from repeat clients, sellers who’ve used us in the past, and then to come back to us when they have a problem. That is the greatest compliment of all when your clients come back for help, time and time again. Thank you for the confidence you have in me and my team, we appreciate every single time you contact us.

The first victory I want to talk to you about has to do with copyright complaints that were made by our client’s competitor. But Tony is an absolutely awesome professional and Tony won this case, first plan of action, right out of the box. Great job Tony, you are huge at helping our domestic sellers, you are huge at helping our sellers with issues in China, and you are awesome at helping our sellers who are located in China. Tony, you are absolutely incredible.

Next is may be inauthentic. If you don’t know the difference between a may be inauthentic and a pure inauthentic, here’s what you need to know. Inauthentic will arise when a consumer has an issue with your product. That when the package arrived, maybe it had last year’s packaging, maybe it was damaged, maybe it was discolored from being stored someplace in direct sunlight. But an inauthentic usually comes from a consumer. A may be inauthentic comes from Amazon and they are much harder cases to win. You have to show a whole lot more when Amazon comes after you than when Amazon is sort of folding a complaint from a consumer. Max, you won this case, you won reinstatement, congratulations. You are a remarkable member of our and great, great job.

The next success I want to talk to you about has to do with related accounts. Related account cases are really hard to win because Amazon doesn’t tell you how they related the accounts. Over the last few months, they started giving you more and more information like the name of the other account they’re connecting you to, but often they don’t give you enough information. So in this particular case, the husband had one account and the wife had another and they were married and living together. Really hard cases to win. In fact, these cases, most likely you’re going to lose and have to balance your business on one account rather than maintaining two and I don’t agree with it, but that’s the way it is. But in this particular case, Declan, great job winning reinstatement of both accounts, are making money, and this couple is doing really, really well.

Now the next complaint had the trifecta of challenges and Kerry, an awesome friend of mine, the first paralegal that Anthony and I hired, had a trademark complaint, a high ODR rate, and it was also coupled with a 72 hour notice. So Kerry kept this case to herself, even though she is a manager, and she won reinstatement and got the plan of action within the 72 hours and the client is happy. Kerry, you are a superstar, thank you very much for remaining with us.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us about your case today.

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