AMZ Sellers – Learn Key Business Strategies on How to Protect Your Brand Sales & Avoid Infringement

Stop losing revenue! Protect your sales today. Contact the team at Amazon Sellers Lawyer.

All right, Amazon sellers. We are here, me, Finn, and Max are all here. We’re skiing today. And I want to let you all know that I will be at Outdoor Retail in Denver in the end of January.

So if you want to know how to protect your brands from other people stealing your sales on Amazon, my incredible brand protection team is for you. So I will see all you brand owners, brand managers out in Denver at Outdoor Retailer, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Brand Protection Services for Amazon Sellers and Private Labels

As a law firm, our team stands up for Amazon sellers against baseless IP complaints and obtains withdrawals.

When Amazon refuses to reinstate accounts or release sellers’ money, we take Amazon to arbitration.

As sellers pivot into creating their own private labels, we help file trademarks & protect their brands from counterfeiters.

When it comes to selling a private label brand, you need to maximize every single sale & there’s 2 ways of doing that:

#1: Make sure you’re getting every sale.

Contact managing attorney Rob Segall. Rob leads our brand protection unit at the firm. He can set you up where we’re monitoring every single product you sell and see who’s on that listing. If it’s an authorized seller who’s delivering the exact same products to consumers, then you can’t do much about that. If you have hijackers selling products but they cannot fulfill your warranty or deliver the same benefits to consumers, then we can monitor. We send cease & desists, which are extremely effective. We can make complaints when appropriate.

#2: Maximize your profit on every sale.

By protecting your brand, you avoid negative feedback & tricks that sellers do if they’re put out of business. So, make sure you’re maximizing your profit on every sale. You do that through inventory control. If you are selling out of your inventory too quickly, then you need to make sure your inventory lasts. How do you do this? You raise prices. Supply & demand. Your sales may slow down because your price is higher. But, the brand protection is stopping anyone else from selling your products. Also, your inventory is going to last a bit longer.


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