The BIGGEST Issues Amazon Sellers Are Facing & How We RESOLVE Them FAST

Amazon sellers, if you’re having issues with your Amazon account, you’re not alone and in this video, I’m just going to give you a heads up as to the type of problems Amazons are seeing this week.

We are seeing a ton of drop shipping suspensions.

It’s not generally a great long-term business strategy because eventually, your goods are going to show up with another branded packaging. Amazon finds out about it and you get suspended. So if you’re drop shipping, you’re not alone. We’re getting a lot of calls from you. We’re also winning your cases.

If you’ve got some business transaction and you need traditional legal services, we do that.

Our firm has grown to meet the needs of Amazon sellers.

Brand protection.

We can monitor every single one of your listings. We could identify the sellers who are selling without your permission. We can usually persuade them to stop selling your products and when necessary and you have the goods on them, we can make almost 100% effective complaints against the sellers. But we try why not to do that because we don’t ever want to needlessly harm another seller.

Pesticide issues are just growing exponentially and I’m not sure why.

It’s the middle of the winter but pesticide suspensions are up.

Valid tracking rate suspensions are through the roof.

We see an uptick of two, three, four times our normal number of valid tracking rate suspensions.

A lot more sellers than normal are receiving letters telling them they can’t sell products

These are by companies like Vorys, and Red Points, and INCOPRO. These companies often make a lot of claims that are totally baseless.

So reach out to us. Let’s talk about whether or not you’re doing anything wrong and whether you are or whether you’re not, how we can help you get back to selling.


Don’t Miss It — CJ Rosenbaum Presents at ASD Market Week Las Vegas

February 27 – March 2, 2022


Amazon Sellers Lawyer CJ Rosenbaum presents at ASD Market Week Las Vegas:

CJ Rosenbaum - ASD Market Week Las Vegas - your new hires

10:30 – 10:45 AM

Seller Rights vs. Brand Rights:
Explaining The First Sale Doctrine Laws

CJ Rosenbaum, the official Amazon Sellers Lawyer, explains the First Sale Doctrine laws so that whoever attends this lecture can win their battle of selling on and also elsewhere online. Concludes with a Q&A.

practice law - Independent Retailer Conference at ASD Market Week

10:30 – 11:15 AM

The Ins & Outs of Adult Novelty:
Exploring Hot Items, Best Practices & Sex Store Must-Haves

Want to boost your adult novelty store sales? This panel discussion reveals best practices from the nation’s most accomplished store operators, adult vendors, and more. Don’t miss it!

legal opinion letter - Independent Retailer Conference at ASD Market Week

3:00 – 3:30 PM

Sellers’ Rights v Brands’ Rights:
Getting Around the Law

Sellers learn to identify & take advantage of Brands that fail to take the steps needed to stop unauthorized sales of their products. Brand Managers learn what they need to do to stop unauthorized sales of their products, while helping to gain revenue along the way.

ASD Market Week - practice law - your new hires

10:00 – 10:30 AM

Sellers’ Rights v. Brands’ Rights:
Specific Problems for Sellers & Specific Solutions for Brands to Regain Control

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. CJ addresses specific issues including labeling, packaging, warranties, pre-sale quality controls, post-sale customer support, bundling & unbundling + more. Don’t forget to bring your questions, as well!

issues Amazon sellers are facing - Independent Retailer Conference - ASD Market Week - legal opinion letter

12:15 – 1:15 PM

Selling on Amazon:
New Obstacles & Ways To Succeed in 2022

There are new challenges & methods to succeed on Amazon in 2022. CJ shares inside information on both the challenges & solutions of how to achieve this.


Get Tickets To ASD Now

Schedule a time to meet CJ Rosenbaum in Las Vegas. Click here to make an appt.

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