BIG BRANDS Filing BASELESS Intellectual Property COMPLAINTS Against Sellers

I hate delivering bad news to Amazon sellers; it’s bad news, but there’s also light at the end of the tunnel. As we are now in the heart of Q4, there are a host of companies that haven’t really made intellectual property complaints against sellers in any large amount that are now asserting tons of complaints against you.

Here are some of the brands you need to look out for..

Vans Footwear:  I hate that this brand is doing it because I love their products. We work (and I live) in Long Beach, New York, right by the ocean. I grew up surfing. If you’re selling Vans products and they’re 100% genuine, we need to know about it. We can help you with IP complaints.

Pokemon:  I can’t tell you how much money we spend on Pokemon Go for our kids. We even join the events that are in different parts of the country. But, Pokemon Amazon sellers, watch out for their IP complaints.

NFL (National Football League):  How many of us watch their games and buy their jerseys? If you are selling genuine NFL products and you receive an IP complaint from them, contact us. We have experience dealing specifically with the NFL. If you want to read something really interesting about what we did for an incredible seller, Google Rosenbaum Famularo and the Dallas Cowboys, it’s going to blow your mind what we did to the Dallas Cowboys.

NOCO:  NOCO are battery chargers and those jumping boxes that you can buy that, when your battery is down, you plug it in and, boom, your car/motorcycle starts. But, watch out for NOCO, they are making IP complaints like crazy against Amazon sellers. Again, if the complaints are baseless, we need to know about it. If the complaints are genuine, we still need to know about it because our goal is the exact same. Get that complaint retracted, get it off your account, get you back to selling one way or another.

DC Comics:  they are making complaints against Amazon sellers. If you’re selling any DC Comic products or any products with their characters on them, you may be violating their intellectual property rights. It doesn’t mean you’re dead in the water, even if you did violate their rights. There’s ways to get the complaints retraced, there are negotiations to be had. We have dealt with this company countless times.

Contact us if you’re an Amazon seller who has received an IP complaint from any of the companies I’ve mentioned today, or complaints from any brands, large and small.

We have two entire teams that deal with IP complaints against sellers. The goal is always the same: get the complaint retracted, get your account back and running, and get your account clean.

Contact us. Here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST


For additional information on brands’ baseless intellectual property complaints against sellers:

Bose Lawsuit against Amazon Sellers

Clorox attacking Amazon sellers to protect sales.

Swarovski Lawsuit Against Amazon Sellers

Sellers Sued by General Tools & Instruments, LLC


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