Amazon Private Label Sellers Protecting Your Sales Like The Big Guys

Five steps to protect your private label brand and build a six, seven, and eight figure Amazon-based business.

Step number one: Create a mark.

And by mark, I mean a trademark or a logo. Have it created. I love, F-R-E-E-U-P, When we need graphic design help, we go to them. I think they’re way better than Fiverr, way better than Upwork. The quality of the people you get through is just head and shoulders better than any other service. So you can do it yourself, you could hire someone from Craigslist or do what we do when we need some graphic design help, go to And again, I don’t get anything for promoting them, I just think they provide absolutely killer services.

Step number two to protect your private label brand: Take the mark (the logo) that you’ve now created and then you get that trademark through the USPTO.

But do not go to a private lawyer, do not go straight and apply yourself. You have to use Amazon’s IP Accelerator Program. That’s tip number two. Amazon’s IP Accelerator Program means you use Amazon’s lawyers. They do the research, they do the application for you and you get brand registry right away. And it provides a lot of great tools to protect yourselves, which is what we’re going to talk about in just a few moments.

Step number three: Add something to your product to get it outside the first sale doctrine.

What you need to do and identify that you can add to what the consumer receives from you that other sellers can’t deliver. Because I can tell you, and I could bet dollars against donuts, that when you start having killer sales, other people are going to jump on your listing.

Step number four: Monitor your listings.

You must get a software-based solution. If you scroll down and send me a note, we’ll give you the link to the software solution that we work with. And we are constantly, constantly updating it and sending an email, add this feature, add that feature. They’re basically our partner in our brand protection business. But you have to use somebody. So scroll down, send a note to, “Hey Arthur / Kimmy, send me a link to who you use for brand protection to monitor listings.” But step number four is you have to have an automated solution right at the outset to monitor your listing so you know when a hijacker jumps on it and starts to steal your sales.

Step number five: Writing an effective C&D letter to listing hijackers.

When you have hijackers who are delivering something to consumers that doesn’t contain everything that you deliver to consumers, when you have someone that’s stealing your sales, you have to know how to write effective cease and desist emails to get those sellers to amicably stop selling your product. We have tons of free videos and information on how to write the world’s best C&D letters. Also, you need to know how to write an effective complaint on Amazon for hijackers who refuse to stop stealing your sales.

*** If you hired another company to draft your Plan of Action or Appeal and they are not available to you, contact us today. We are here for Amazon sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST ***


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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