Amazon Sellers News: AMZ is accepting some non-essential products again, Price gouging suspensions are still going around, Back orders are rising

I want to talk to you a bit about today’s Google trend report for Amazon sellers. Amazon back orders that search on Google over the last four hours is up 3250%. Amazon prime customer service, those words, up 140%. Amazon customer service number up 70%. Why do I think these searches are important to you? I think it’s important because back orders may lead to more sales for you. If Amazon itself is out of inventory, then you should get those sales. Watch what Amazon’s customers need. Also, I suggest you look at Google trends as well to find out what they’re searching for and get into those markets. Get those products for Amazon sellers.

Amazon is accepting products, not just essential products, but other products as well into the FBA warehouses.

Amazon is now accepting goods that are nonessential, or at least what Amazon is deeming nonessential. There is a tremendous article by Annie Palmer who writes about our business for CNBC. All of a sudden with the warehouses opening up, there’s going to be boatloads and boatloads and boatloads of inventory flowing into each and every one of Amazon’s warehouses. Before the coronavirus epidemic, they were receiving three shipments per second, and as an Amazon seller, you know they lose your products.

Here’s the caution I am suggesting to every single Amazon seller using FBA: send in limited inventory.

Do not send in so much inventory that if Amazon should lose that inventory, you are going to have a significant financial problem. Limit your losses. We know from numerous arbitrations against Amazon that even on regular days, they lose a boatload of inventory.

Amazon is sending more notices to sellers accusing them of price gouging.

The vast majority of sellers that have called us with this problem are absolutely NOT price gouging in any shape or form. They simply raise their prices to where the market was or raised prices in accordance with their raise cost, but it has not stopped Amazon from accusing more and more sellers of this violation. The good news is that it’s more of 72 hour notices and listing suspensions and much fewer account suspensions.

If you have questions about selling non-essential products on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.

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