Amazon Used Sold as New Listing & Account Suspensions with CJ Rosenbaum, Amazon Sellers Lawyer

Number one, root cause. Used sold as new suspensions are almost always either packaging issues, returns, or changes in the product between when you sourced your product, and the day the consumer receives it on his/her doorstep.

The immediate corrective action needs to always describe steps that you’ve taken to make that consumer happier. Let them keep the product for free, give them a full refund, offer to send them the newest version of the product, or offer to send them another one where their packaging will be absolutely flawless when it arrives on their doorstep.

The third section of your plan of action, systemic improvements, or changes to your business; this is what persuades Amazon staff in India to reinstate your listing or reinstate your account. This is the most vital of your plan of action. When it comes to used sold as new, systemic improvements or changes to your business, what you need to talk about are your staff.

If you made changes, give Amazon the details. If you’ve hired a new person, tell them who they are, what their training was, when they start, what exactly their role is going to be in the company. The proof, the persuasion, is in the details. It’s no skin off your nose. Give Amazon the details of your new hiring. Another effective systemic improvement when it comes to used sold as new is better sourcing systems. It may include you physically looking at the products, it may include a member of your staff checking brick and mortar stores to see what they are providing to consumers.

Amazon Sellers News Used Sold as New ComplaintsFor more information on used sold as new suspensions:

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