Amazon Sellers Suspended for Running Multiple Related Seller Accounts

Even though I am an eternal optimist, today’s breaking news is bad news.

Related account suspensions are increasing. It’s not a dramatic increase, but they certainly are on the upswing and what do you need to do with this information?

Number one, if you are operating multiple Amazon accounts, be more careful than ever. Different IP addresses, MAC addresses, names, addresses, product lines, product categories. Make sure that the people that work for you, whether they are in your place of business, working remotely because of the pandemic, or you’re using VAs, that they are super, super careful. I even propose you use different people to work on your different accounts.

Number two, if you are not yet operating more than one Amazon account, now is not the time to get into it. Amazon is just seemingly ramping up their algorithms to find people in companies involved in more than one account and then shutting them down.

A positive note is that we have been more successful than in the past at getting the accounts reinstated, but it doesn’t mean you should take the risk. You never know whether you’re going to be the seller who never gets back online and you certainly don’t need the interruption to your business.

So bad news, related account suspensions are up and Amazon sellers suspended. Good news, we’re able to get many of you reinstated, but I suggest strenuously that you avoid this suspension in the first place. If you’re doing it, be super careful. If you’re not doing it, don’t start now.


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum, Famularo & Segall, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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