Amazon Seller Suspensions: Fake Reviews
Amazon has been tracking down sellers who have a propensity for purchasing fake reviews and abusing the system to gain more clicks on their products.
Amazon is known for creating patterns in what they decide to hone in on at any given time, and it’s pretty unpredictable where they’ll focus their attention next.
But in an interesting new twist, there are also a good number of sellers who have had their accounts suspended by Amazon for reasons unknown to those sellers.
Normally, Amazon will email the suspended sellers outlining exactly why their account has been suspended and what they need to include in their Plan of Action to get reinstated. But recently, Amazon has been extremely vague in emails sent to a few suspended sellers. While it’s still a fairly rare circumstance at the moment, Amazon Sellers Lawyer has been trying to combat this issue.
“We’re seeing a lot more sellers being suspended and they don’t know why they’re being suspended,” notes Brett Sondike, Director of Client Services at Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. and “There’s no clear-cut explanation from Amazon; they’re being very vague. The sellers don’t have access to their accounts and they’re not getting answers.”
Normally, these types of emails explain why a seller has been suspended and what a seller needs to include to get reinstated, but the lack of information makes it tough for the seller to get back into business with Amazon.
How can you be expected to fix something if you don’t know what you did wrong?
Without knowing what kind of information to include in a Plan of Action, it’s hard to tackle the problem head-on, even for trained professionals. Amazon Sellers Lawyer sees higher rates of success when the company gets as much information on these cases as possible, and even attempts to pester Amazon for more information have been mostly unsuccessful.
If you’re receiving emails like this and want to know what to do, give Amazon Sellers Lawyer a call: 1-877-9-Seller
Our company will only take cases that we’re confident we can handle to ensure that you don’t waste your money, but there’s no harm in finding out if the situation is workable.
“We want to make people aware that we don’t want to take on cases unless we feel like we have a reasonable chance of success,” Sondike said. “We don’t want to lead them into an area where they’d be regretful. So we want to put everything up front so they feel comfortable and they know that we want to give it our best shot and we could do it. We want to set realistic expectations for every client and make sure that we’re honest with every client. That’s why we don’t offer guarantees or contingencies.”
That being said, if you give Amazon Sellers Lawyer a call, make sure you’re honest about the issues you’re having. Some clients are hesitant to share information or even withhold important pieces of the puzzle. Doing so is foolish considering Amazon Sellers Lawyer will have a higher chance of success if it has as much accurate information as possible.
“Anything they tell me or the staff is covered under client confidentiality, so they’re best off being honest with us to begin with,” Sondike said. “We have the best chance of helping them out that way, and to pick the right direction to fight for them we have to have all of the facts.”
Ultimately, if a client lies and claims to have done nothing wrong or if that client withholds important information, the team at Amazon Sellers Lawyer might write an insufficient Plan of Action, which would make it more difficult for the seller to get reinstated. If you have a problem, be honest and you’ll find a much better chance at success.
However, if you’re one of a small group of sellers who have seemingly been suspended for unknown reasons, Amazon Sellers Lawyer might be able to help. It certainly won’t hurt to call, and perhaps reinstatement can be in your future.
Amazon Seller Suspensions: Fake Reviews
Anders Jorstad is a content creator for Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C., the law firm behind Anders will be earning his degree in journalism from Hofstra and has five years of professional journalism experience. He has written for numerous online and print publications including SB Nation and The Hofstra Chronicle.