SUCCESS: Amazon seller price gouging suspension due to repricing software inflating prices of ASINs.

Learn how we had this seller’s account reinstated.

SUCCESS: Amazon seller price gouging suspension.

A seller received a 72 hour notice regarding a violation of Amazon’s fair pricing policy. This seller had 12 ASINs. What essentially happened was that this seller was using repricing software, and the program inflated the prices once the competitors jumped off the listing. However, this seller felt that they were justified in the repricing tool charging those prices because the overall cost of selling those items didn’t even scratch the surface of what the repricing tool was changing the prices to. So, we put that into a chart in the appeal, and the Amazon seller’s account was reinstated.

Amazon is sending more notices to sellers accusing them of price gouging.

The vast majority of sellers that have called us with this problem are absolutely NOT price gouging in any shape or form. They simply raise their prices to where the market is or raised prices in accordance with their raise cost, but it has not stopped Amazon from accusing more and more sellers of this violation.

If you’ve been suspended on AMZ due to price gouging, contact us for a free consultation today: 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.

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