Amazon Seller Claims & Lawsuits – How to Vacate a TRO Asserted Against You

I’m going to tell you about a huge victory that we obtained for two Amazon Sellers against a giant corporation in the federal court in Chicago.

Okay, Amazon sellers. So the huge company is LG Electronics. In this case, you weren’t dealing with their TVs or their air conditioners. We were talking about refrigerators, and the lawsuit is about claims that Amazon sellers, the filters that they sell to fit into the refrigerators, allegedly violate LG’s rights.

So what did LG do?

LG went to court in secret and they sued multiple Amazon sellers.

They went back to the judge in secret and asked the judge to issue a temporary restraining order against these Amazon sellers. That’s when our clients, and some other sellers, finally found out that they were being sued, is when Amazon notified them that their businesses were practically frozen.

So we went to the court and we asked the court to release our client from the temporary restraining order. It’s called a motion to dissolve the TRO and it got lost in the wash.

So we made another motion to the court. “Judge, our client is out of business. You have to vacate this order.” We got nothing but crickets…

So we sent a letter, and phone calls, and finally, we got the judge’s attention and we had our hearing yesterday.

When the judge heard how harshly the court’s order was affecting our client, and I believe when the judge saw through the nonsense arguments, that LG was somehow being hurt so badly, or even that they can prove that the products are infringing, the judge literally apologized for what the judge had done, and the judge vacated that temporary restraining order.

So that’s it. Our client is back in business on Amazon. We’ll litigate the case and maybe LG can prove something and maybe it can’t. I don’t think it can, but the great news is that these two AMZ sellers are now back in business.

For all sellers: you don’t have to back down from big, giant conglomerate corporations, even ones as big as LG Electronics. You have rights, you have tools at your disposal. We have an incredible litigation team.

If you want to learn more about how to vacate a TRO because you’re involved in some type of litigation, or you fear litigation and just want to know what your rights are as an Amazon Seller, submit your case online or CALL 1-877-9-SELLER FOR A FREE CONSULTATION.

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