18 Days until Q4 – Amazon Review Manipulation Suspensions

You have 18 days until Q4, I want to warn you not to do something that can cause your account to be suspended.

If using a service to help you get reviews, vet that service like a hawk.

If you are promised reviews with one click, it is too good to be true. And if it’s too good to be true, it usually is. Review manipulation suspensions are very difficult to come back from, especially when you get into Q4. So, be super, super careful. It is a thousand times better for you to wait patiently and get organic reviews than to use service providers that are promising things that are too good to be true. Never ask for good reviews versus generically asking for reviews, and never put in links that go to different places based upon the review, whether it’s good or bad. Be careful. Don’t lose your Amazon listings. Don’t lose your Amazon sellers’ account. Avoid review manipulation suspensions as much as possible.

Contact us today. Here for sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional information on review manipulation suspensions:

Amazon 3rd Party Services Causing Suspensions / 72 Hour Notifications for Review Manipulations

How we handled a 72 hr performance notification for review manipulation on Amazon.

Customer Review Manipulation: How we got this seller reinstated.

Successful Reinstatement after a Review Manipulation Suspension

Feedback Manipulation & Amazon Account Suspension

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