Amazon Complaint: When Is A Counterfeit Complaint Baseless?

As an Amazon seller, when is a counterfeit complaint baseless?

Counterfeit complaints can be filed against Amazon sellers for a variety of reasons, but not all of them are valid.

In this video, we’ll discuss when a counterfeit complaint might be baseless and what to do if you receive one.

Baseless counterfeit complaints

If you are an Amazon seller who is accused of selling counterfeit products, then you should how to analyze whether there is merit to the claim or if you should seek a retraction for a baseless complaint.

If your products are genuine and you have valid invoices to provide evidence of that, then you are in a position of strength to request that that the complaint be retracted. If your request is unsuccessful then you can provide evidence to Amazon that your products are genuine and attempt to get your seller account reinstated.

Another way that a claim would automatically be rendered baseless is if you have never sold a unit of the product.  Regardless of whether or not you have counterfeit products in your possession, if you have not distributed anything that is counterfeit then you cannot be held responsible.

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