Account or Listing Suspension Issues on Amazon can be Overcome

This video is not meant solely to brag about the huge success that our team has for Amazon sellers all over the world, but it’s meant to give you hope that if you receive an account or listing suspension, for any of these below reasons, you can get back to selling.

Jacques, Ashley, Tony & Vin have won some tremendous cases this week. Variation violations, restricted products, counterfeit allegations, inauthentics, and not as described. You all are awesome.

If people or brands make a baseless counterfeit complaint against you, you have tremendous rights.

Not as described, used sold as new, all of these issues can be overcome. They’re merely obstacles in your path to success.

Don’t let any of them be more than a bump in the road for your continued and successful selling on

Contact us. We’re here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

With unparalleled experience in both law and ecommerce, Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, the law firm behind, is a dynamic firm that has the ability to approach your Amazon issue from every angle. We are the #1 law firm helping Amazon sellers whether it is an account / listing suspension, intellectual property complaint, representing sellers in litigation, protecting / monitoring private label brands, or legal services tailored to online businesses such as contract drafting, sale of business, and more. We are available for sellers worldwide with teams in the USA & China.

For additional information on suspension reinstatement:

Used Sold as New Complaint on Amazon – Writing a Winning Plan of Action for Reinstatement

Amazon Suspension Reinstatement Success

Amazon Shipping Suspensions: How to Write a Plan of Action for Reinstatement

Reinstatement Success on Inauthentic Suspension for Amazon Seller

Amazon Packaging Suspensions – ASIN Reinstatement

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