If you’ve been suspended on Amazon for having high order defect rates, let our team help you with an appeal.

High Order Defect Rate suspensions are sometimes associated with negative feedback.

Amazon wants to see that less than 1% of your orders have any type of negative feedback. In one particular case, a seller’s entire Amazon account was suspended due to a shipping issue. The client did not use FBA, but was merchant fulfilled. Shipping issues can arise when you are not using fulfillment by Amazon. Understanding that being merchant fulfilled is an added risk. The client’s employee caused the suspension by not providing tracking information to customers.

You need to show Amazon that you’re proactively addressing ODR issues in your account.

We drafted up a Plan of Action for this seller and was able to show Amazon that they terminated the employee who caused the suspension, and how this situation would not happen again. Our team won reinstatement for this seller. After becoming reinstated, our client opted, for financial reasons, to continue as merchant fulfilled.

If you need assistance with an Amazon suspension, submit your case to us today.

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Drop-shipping & common issues we see from sellers who drop-ship on Amazon.

If there’s an issue within the supply chain, even if you have an extended fulfillment period, you will encounter problems with sourcing the products and fulfilling the orders on time. This will contribute to negative reviews / feedback, but also it will contribute to a high order defect rate (ODR) which is enforceable by Amazon.

High ODR suspensions are being driven up from A-Z claims, they’re being driven up by negative feedback, and they’re being driven by shipping issues.

With these high ODR suspensions, consider what you can and can’t control. There’s a prayer about that, it’s the serenity prayer. “God, give me the power to recognize what I can change and what I can’t, and the power to know the difference,” or something like that.

Amazon’s extended return season, and used sold as new complaints.

We all know that having a high return rate increases your order defect rate, but we also know that having many returns can increase the chance of you receiving a ‘used sold as new’ complaint. This is because Amazon always requires customers to enter a reason for their returns. And a lot of these reasons could contribute to this.

Vin recently won a case where a seller’s account was totally down because their ODR rate went too high. For those newer sellers, the order defect rate went too high.

So what did Vin do? How did he win this case? So, first of all, he used a tried and true formula for writing a plan of action, root cause, immediate corrective action and then long term or systemic changes to the seller’s business to demonstrate to Amazon that it will not have the same problem with you going forward.

Number two, the focus when it comes to high ODR rates really is on the systemic changes. How are you going to be a better seller? And I think more importantly from a draftsman’s position, how you can relay that to Amazon’s staff in a concise and persuasive manner. That’s why Vin and the rest of our paralegal team, why we’re so good at what we do is because we can write both concisely and persuasively better than anybody on Earth when it comes to plans of action.

Vincenzo, congratulations. You won the reinstatement of this seller with the very first plan of action. There was second plan. There was no appeal. There was no supplements. So Vincenzo, great job.

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