How to Write a Plan of Action (POA) Appeal for Amazon Listing & Account Suspensions 2020

First, the most important thing is the structure.

Amazon staff in India is told to look for three sections in your plan of action. You may even have seen this in one of your notices. The root cause, what caused the problem with the consumer? What caused Amazon to suspect you of doing something wrong?

Section two, your immediate corrective action.

In section two, your immediate corrective action, what you want to do is put something in there that you did to make that consumer happy. Right away, if a consumer complains about anything at all, I strongly suggest you bite the bullet, return the money, let the consumer keep the product for free. We know consumers are going to steal from you. We know they’re going to make baseless complaints. Let the consumer take this much from you instead of losing your account, which will cost you this much.

Section three, the changes you’re going to make to your business.

Long term changes to your business, you can call it, systemic changes to your business. This is really the meat and potatoes about how you’re going to persuade Amazon that if they reinstate your listing / account, they will not have a similar problem with you in the future. Some of the things are pretty easy.

Shipping: if your packages are arriving late systemically, you’re going to research how long it will actually take for your product to get there. You may want to change carriers. You may want to change your shipping materials and your packaging. You may switch from UPS to FedEx, from FedEx to UPS to US Postal. You may have to argue you’re going to go to FBA if you’re doing merchant fulfilled. But this is a long term change to your business that will persuade Amazon staff in India to reinstate your account.

Quality control: another argument that’s often made in the long term changes section of your POA.

How can you institute quality control? One, you can take responsibility for it. Number two, you can automate. Number three, you can hire people. And there are a host of other ways. For example, in the cosmetic industry, the packaging often has vibrant colors. And if you’re storing those packages exposed to sunlight, the colors may then disintegrate a bit and become less vibrant. So one of your long term changes may be to store those types of products in a different portion of your warehouse. Simple things, but you need to nail it. You need to identify the changes you’re going to make so that Amazon staff in India is persuaded it will not have problems with you again in the future.

Leadership principles: I want every AMZ seller out there to take a look at these.

Amazon’s staff in India confirmed to me dozens of times when I went. I literally went to India, stood outside Amazon’s offices, and spoke to their staff for three days, dozens and dozens of their employees. And what every single one of them had in common is that the leadership principles were absolutely drilled into their heads at the interview. Use the applicable leadership principles in your arguments in your plan of action.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon & have questions on how to write a Plan of Action, call for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.

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