We deal with a number of large Amazon sellers that employ a massive amount of people.

We have found that the bigger the seller, the more ridiculous the complaints filed against them are, and the more they have to fight to stay in business.

One of the most repeated complainants seen across the board is Bulbhead. They are patent or IP trolls who send out baseless complaints so frequently that Amazon is very quick to dismiss any Bulbhead IP complaint.

Our client was dealing with a Bulbhead complaint. Oftentimes, this client is smart and savvy enough to handle things himself. If he is too busy or having issues, then he comes to us at Rosenbaum Famularo, PC to do the work.

The seller both liquidates and wholesales items. In this particular case, the seller didn’t research the product well enough; in his batch of liquidations, he had some Bulbhead products. Usually, when this seller wholesales, he does his due diligence before he gets his inventory in, but mistakes happen.

We reached out to Bulbhead, who almost never responds. Then, we reached out to Amazon Notice-Dispute and informed them that we believed the complainant was trying to be malicious because we had attempted to reach an amicable agreement with them and informed them that we would stop selling the product. We further told them that all we want to do is keep our client’s account in good standing.

SUCCESS: Notice-Dispute retracted the complaint and our client stopped selling the Bulbhead products. Now, when our sellers are liquidating, they do better research on their products before they start selling.

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