Amazon’s Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) Policy Causing Account Suspensions for Amazon Sellers

Hello, Amazon sellers. Today, I’m here to inform you about Amazon’s valid tracking rate policy, specifically how to avoid your account from being suspended and how to reinstate if you fail to perform up to its expectations.

Amazon put this policy in place to increase visibility on shipment tracking for customers. They expect sellers to maintain a VTR greater than or equal to 95% at a product category level. In order to maintain these ship requirements needed, you will want to do the following:

  • Purchase shipping labels through Amazon buy and shipping services
  • Choose carriers that are integrated with Amazon
  • Verify that the carrier name and tracking ID are entered correctly and belong to the same carrier
  • Confirm and update if necessary the tracking information before the carrier delivers the package.

If you fail to reach these requirements and your listing gets suspended, you will need to provide Amazon with a plan of action, outline how to plan to prevent this from occurring in the future.

If you want more guidance on writing this POA, please call 1-877-9-SELLER.

Contact us. Here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST

We’ll write your Plan of Action for you!

Plan of Action for Valid Tracking Rate suspension

Writing an effective plan of action is complex, with numerous factors that need to be included depending on the reasons for your Amazon suspension. Regardless, disputing your Amazon suspension and getting reinstated is a hurdle you can overcome with research, dedication and persistence to get your Amazon account reinstated. Let us help you with this crucial process.

Amazon suspensions are more common than many sellers are aware of. If you want to run a successful ecommerce business on Amazon, it’s crucial to understand why accounts / listings get suspended, how to avoid a suspension, and what to do if you become suspended.

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