Supporting Black-Owned Businesses & Brands When Sellers Receive False Trademark Complaints on Amazon

My team at supports black-owned businesses and black-owned brands.

If you are a 3P seller, this information is for you. We’re talking about trademark complaints.

If you receive a trademark complaint, first thing you need to do is contact whoever made the complaint. That’s what Amazon tells you to do. That’s what we do. The system works. We get sellers reinstated every week, after they received trademark complaints.

First, we contact whoever made the complaint & try to get a retraction, whether you were right or wrong.

Then we write to Amazon.

If you get the retraction, it is a piece of cake getting you reinstated.

If you don’t, we try to persuade Amazon that the complaint was baseless, or simply persuade Amazon staff in India, that they will not have the same problem with you in the future.

I want to make sure every single Amazon seller knows that we’re here for you. If you need a free consultation, if you need to bounce an idea off somebody because your account is down, call this phone number 1-877-9-SELLER or submit your case online.

We’re happy to talk with you to pay it forward by sharing with you the information that we have.

You want to learn more about trademark law, specifically for your business? For a donation of $1 to our awesome charity, you can download our book, the Amazon Sellers’ Guide to Trademark Law.

Amazon & online sellers can see additional information about trademarks, trademark registration, trademark complaints, and trademark suspensions on below:

Build Value In Your eCommerce Business With Intellectual Property Law

Amazon Sellers, DO NOT Re-Apply Trademarks to Certified Refurbished Items

Fighting Baseless IP Complaints & Winning Reinstatements – Amazon Sellers Lawyer Success

What Amazon Sellers MUST Know – Trademark Cancellations & Oppositions to Fight Baseless Complaints

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