How to Potentially Recover the Damages That You Suffer When Your Account Gets Deactivated

Amazon sellers, bad stuff happens from time to time, and in this video, I’m going to talk to you about how you can potentially recover the damages that you suffer when your account gets deactivated.

If your account is deactivated, your entire business is suspended for a day, a week, a month, and you have lost tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, you do have some remedies.

You can’t go after Amazon to recoup your lost sales. It is absolutely prohibited in your agreement with Amazon. However, if you suffered those losses because a brand made a baseless counterfeit complaint, or a company who’s doing rebates has done something to cause your business to go down, you can recover against those parties by either negotiating a resolution or suing them in a court of law.

Now, if you’ve been watching these videos for any period of time, you know I never, ever push sellers into court because it’s slow, it’s expensive and you can’t guarantee the result.

But if you have lost tens of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars, because somebody else did something wrong, you have every right to take them to court, and if the legal fees are going to be here and the recovery is going to be up here, three to five times your legal costs, then you should consider exploring that option to recoup your damages from the people or company that caused them.

You can contact me about how your losses were caused and whether or not you can recoup your losses from an entity or from a person who made a false counterfeit complaint against you. I’m happy to call you back and discuss your options with you.


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