Price Gouging Tips for Amazon Sellers to Avoid Suspensions

Alexa, Ashley, Jason, and Anthony from Amazon Sellers Lawyer give sellers tips on avoiding price gouging suspensions on Amazon.

A lot of sellers are receiving price gouging complaints even if they never touched or edited their pricing on a listing.

What we’ve decided would be best is to provide to Amazon a screen shot of your sales from the last six months so you can show that there hasn’t been any price changing and that it’s an error on Amazon’s part.

A lot of bots are going around suspending people for price gouging, so you have to have some evidence for yourself obviously. Find something that shows your pricing hasn’t changed, or that you’ve only edited a certain product within the allowed maximum increase.

Please keep these tips in mind and keep your Amazon account and listings safe from becoming suspended during these difficult times.

If you are selling essential items on Amazon, make sure you are selling your products at the appropriate price points to make sure you don’t run into issues on your account. Some sellers are selling certain products at 5 to 10 times the original price of the item. These take downs are persistently done by Amazon because they do violate local, state and federal laws.

If you are suspended on Amazon for price gouging, there are a few specific bullet points that Amazon is looking for in appeals. Anything from how you violated price policy, to how you are going to resolve the issue, to measures that you’re going to take going forward with your AMZ business. Amazon is looking for a lot of detail in these appeals, so make sure to take these seriously. Be patient with the process, these are not one and done appeals. Sometimes, they ask for additional information on your account / listings.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.

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