Law firm available 24 hours 7 days a week

“When I called Mr. CJ, he personally picked up the phone, answered my question and addressed my concern. This is something exceptional. Usually I haven’t seen any law firm that is available 24 hours 7 days a week, especially on Sundays. On Sundays, people usually spend their time with their family and friends, but this attorney personally picked up the phone and addressed my concern.”

No one else who helps suspended Amazon sellers has a centralized team all in one place. Our entire team of college educated paralegals and lawyers all work together in New York.

You can’t use somebody else’s Plan of Action for your account. Every issue is different. Every Amazon seller’s account will have slightly different problems. If you use somebody else’s Plan of Action, the people at Amazon have already seen it. You have to write something that pertains to your account, whatever the issues are, for your case.

We’ll get you reinstated and back to making money faster if you submit a Plan of Action that’s written just for you.

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide – Available 24 hours 7 days a week!

ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-877-9-Seller

Want a FREE COPY of our book? Contact us today.

Your Guide to Amazon Suspensions: 2017-2018 Edition

This book empowers suspended Amazon sellers to get their accounts / individual ASINs reinstated. Amazon sellers can use what we have learned after helping thousands of suspended sellers maintain their selling privileges. Use the information and sample Plans of Action to get your selling privileges reinstated as soon as possible.

Table of Contents

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