IP-related Amazon suspensions need to be addressed by a qualified law firm such as AmazonSellersLawyer.com.

Why lawyers are the only ones who can help with Amazon SuspensionsIntellectual property (IP) complaints are a major and common problem for Amazon sellers.

However, these types of complaints are often not quite as dire as you might think, and depending on the circumstances, may be resolved in a quick and orderly fashion.

When it comes to fighting an IP complaint, there is only one type of person who can help you with your case — a licensed attorney.

Many people claim they can help with IP-related Amazon suspensions, but the fact is, only lawyers have the knowledge, experience, credibility, and legitimacy to pursue the withdrawal of the complaint. If you are not an attorney, you may not know the basic differences between trademarks, copyrighted material, trade dress and the rights patent holders obtain from the government.

When dealing with intellectual property issues, a legal education is crucial. Non-lawyers aren’t just unable to help with your IP-related Amazon suspensions — if they do so without a law license, they are actually committing a crime (practicing without a license). It’s like to going to see your barber for brain surgery. Sure, they both are familiar with your head, but one is vastly more qualified than the other. People without a law license simply cannot help you — legally or ethically — with your IP claim.


How Lawyers Can Help Resolve Your Amazon Suspension

If you find yourself in an intellectual property battle, the first thing you should do is call a licensed attorney familiar with Amazon law. We will begin by identifying whether the complaint is or is not valid. Is the seller who filed the claim against you a competitor simply trying to stall your success by filing a false claim? Or do they hold a legitimate trademark on an item that you are violating? In most cases, the complaints are baseless.

We research the contested product and begin drafting the legal correspondence necessary to obtain the withdrawal of the complaint.

In the correspondence, we outline the reasons why the complaint needs to be addressed by the original person who filed it. The reasons will vary from claim to claim, but no matter what, if we can show the original claim has no basis for action (like they are using unfair business practices or violating other laws to gain a competitive foothold over you), whoever filed it may actually be liable for damages. This is important to help limit or stop false claims from competitors in the future.

Even if we find that the original complaint has some merit against you, all hope is not lost. Lawyers are uniquely skilled in the art of negotiation, and can fight to reach an amenable compromise between sellers. Anyone without a law license can try to apply pressure in these situations, but non-attorneys lack the know-how and leverage to actually follow through. If you are not using an attorney, there is no threat or risk to the person / company who made the complaint.  

If you’re facing an AMZ account suspension due to an IP complaint, call our law firm at 1-877-9-SELLER or email [email protected]. We have a successful record of seller reinstatement & can guide you through the process.

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