How to Write a Winning Plan of Action for an AMZ Account Suspension

Every plan of action should have three sections. One, root cause. Number two, the immediate corrective action. What did you do to try and make that consumer happy, as soon as you learn there was a problem? And number three, the long-term or systemic changes to your Amazon business. So, Amazon staff can rest assured that if they reinstate your account or reinstate your listing, Amazon will not have further problems with you.

My team has written more winning plans of action than any team on earth. We have a phenomenal group of lawyers and paralegals who do nothing but focus on you and your needs as Amazon sellers.

As we go into Q4 tomorrow, we have made adjustments here at the firm for the fastest turnaround of plans of action to you as humanly possible. We have made changes to handle IP complaints against you as quickly as possible. We have taken resources, including phenomenal lawyers and paralegals and assign them to plans of action and IP complaints. And I couldn’t be more proud.

As Q4 hits, should you have a bump in the road, should a listing go down or your account gets suspended, we are here for you with faster turnaround times, winning plans of action, winning appeals and getting IP complaints against you retracted.

Contact us. We’re here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional info. on appealing an AMZ account suspension:

How to Write a Plan of Action Appeal for Amazon Listing & Account Suspensions 2020

Need help appealing an Amazon account suspension?

Why is my Amazon Account DEACTIVATED from a Related Account Suspension?

Amazon Used Sold as New Listing & Account Suspensions

Amazon’s New Terms of Service for Sellers: Paragraph 3: Amz Account Suspensions

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