Lots of sellers have been coming to us recently with 72 Hour Performance Notifications.
These notices usually have to do with intellectual property complaints that are on your Amazon account.
Oftentimes, when you have a suspended ASIN reinstated that resulted from an intellectual property complaint, it will remain on your account health for a bit of time. Amazon does not remove IP complaints from your account health right away – it can take up to 180 days to be removed.
Many sellers, especially if they are not selling a product anymore, tend to either get rid of the invoices or get rid of the retraction.
It is very important that sellers keep hold of retraction correspondence, as well as the invoices they have for any ASINs just in case they receive a 72 Hour Performance Notifications. This will give the seller the ability to appeal and show Amazon that this has been resolved and needs to be taken off their account.
For more information regarding 72 Hour Performance Notifications, reach out to us for a free consultation at: 1-877-9-SELLER or [email protected]
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ROSENBAUM & SEGALL PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.
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