5 reasons to hire us if you need help writing a Plan of Action

Contact Amazon Sellers LawyerIf you need help getting your Amazon account or ASIN back, call for a free consultation.

1. Confidentiality – if you hire us, unlike any other firm out there, you get the benefit of 100% confidentiality. Anything you tell us, we only use to help your account get reinstated or your ASIN back online. You have the benefit of the attorney-client confidentiality rule of law where we cannot use your information for any other purpose.

2. We have a full time staff in beautiful Long Beach, NY of college-educated Americans reviewing your accounts who have been trained by us.

3. Unlike any other company out there, CJ cross-examines Amazon’s witnesses at arbitrations against Amazon. Many sellers don’t realize this, but if Amazon tells you to go jump in a lake and they refuse to treat you fairly, refuse to reinstate your account, give you back your inventory or release your money, you have the right to take them to arbitration. According to Amazon’s lawyers, we represent claimants. We represent the sellers in 75% of all the arbitrations that are brought. And every time we go to a hearing, when we can amicably reach a settlement.

4. Every single Plan of Action is reviewed by an attorney to make sure the writing is precise, the facts are right, and to make sure the most persuasive Plan of Action was put together for you.

5. If you want to know who is writing your Plan of Action, you can call and reach out to them. When every single paralegal picks up your file to write a Plan of Action, they call you and talk to you about our plans, the inside information for you (because nobody’s going to know your account better than you do). After you are done speaking with them, they email you a Plan of Action and another phone call to go over it with you to make sure that we hit all the points and included everything that you wanted to include.

The #1 reason for hiring us is for our success. You can see our success in any one of the 700 or so reviews on Facebook, Google and Web Retailer.

Contact ASL Law Firm - writing a Plan of ActionROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

Need help writing a Plan of Action?
Contact us today.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-877-9-Seller

100 W. Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561

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