How to Navigate a Dropshipping Violation – AVOID Account & Listing Deactivation on Amazon Today

If you’re drop shipping and you’ve already received one account suspension because you were drop shipping, you got reinstated, this piece of news is for you.

Okay. Drop shippers, or if part of your business is drop shipping and you’ll already received your first suspension for drop shipping, you got to be super careful because if you need to try and reactivate your account, to reactivate your Amazon listing and you receive a second drop shipping suspension, and that is coupled with a seller code of conduct issue from Amazon, we are seeing this as being the death of Amazon sellers.

So if you are drop shipping, you got to be super careful. When your products arrive at the consumers doorstep, you don’t want them to be in Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy or any other branded packaging because if the consumer reaches out to Amazon and says, “Hey. Why is there Walmart on my front step I ordered from Amazon?” Or, “Why is this coming from Best Buy? I want to buy from Amazon.” They can make that complaint to Amazon & you’re going to have a significant problem. If it’s your second one with a seller code of conduct issue, man, it is going to be really difficult to get you back on.

If you want to learn more about drop shipping, seller code of conduct, inauthentics, all the different issues that Amazon sellers face and how we win reactivation of your Amazon account every day of the week, we have more free content for Amazon sellers than any other website on earth.

Whether you are a brand new seller or an experienced seller, if you want to succeed on Amazon, you must continuously grow your catalog and avoid a dropshipping violation.


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