Big Brands Dragging Sellers to Court: How Sellers Can Fight Back TODAY!

More and more sellers every day are getting dragged into court. Big brands like Nike, Volkswagen, Audi, and many, many others, as well as small brands, are dragging you into court. I want to make sure you all know that you have the right to fight back and that you know the process.

So today, I’m talking about what happens after you file your formal response in a lawsuit in federal court.

The top three things that you need to know:

Number one, when you file a formal response, you trigger what’s called automatic disclosures.

Those people, those lawyers that sued you, need to now give you the evidence that supports their claims. No evidence? Get their case dismissed.

Number two, you need to have your lawyer speak with their lawyers and set a schedule for the discovery.

As a defendant, if you get sued, you want that schedule as fast as possible. They want four weeks, make it two. They want 30 days, make it 10. But you want to confer first and make a schedule to prepare for the third thing we’re going to talk about..

Number three, the conference with the court.

You’re going to have a telephone conference with the court. At that time, you’re going to set a firm schedule. Federal judges do not like to mess around. Again, if you are the one being sued, you want that schedule to come hard and fast at that brand and those lawyers that brought you into court.

If you want to learn more about litigation or big brands dragging sellers to court, whether you’ve been sued, or you need to bring litigation to get someone who’s stealing money from your pocket, stealing food off your plate, contact me for a free consultation. I am now using my decades of experience as a trial lawyer to help Amazon sellers both defend yourselves and also bring litigation when the ROI makes sense.


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