Amazon Sellers’ News 12/18/19 with CJ Rosenbaum: Lost Listings, Suspended Accounts, Hazmat Review & Don’t Get Hacked

First breaking news story: lost listings and suspended accounts from Amazon’s pricing alert system.

There seems to clearly be another Amazon glitch, because sellers are satisfying the minimum and the maximum, sellers’ pricing is dead on, yet hundreds and hundreds of sellers are losing their listings and getting entirely suspended. If this happens to you, please contact us for a free consultation. We’ll guide you through the process, but keep an eye out, because there are hundreds of sellers who are getting suspended for these problems.

Second breaking news story: Hazmat reviews.

Hazmat reviews are killing sellers right now. Amazon is inappropriately identifying products as being hazardous materials, and they are clearly not. If you are selling a product like perfume or something else that has to do with hazmat, then you need to make sure you have a safety sheet. Also, sellers can provide exemption documents if their product has nothing to do with hazmat. You need to show to Amazon staff in India, through a concise, persuasive plan of action that is well supported by documents, that your product should never ever be identified as hazmat.

Third breaking news story: don’t get hacked.

We are seeing hackings come and go roughly every 12 months, and what we started to see this week are a significant number of spoof emails claiming to be coming from Amazon, where they’re asking you for information about your account: the owner of the account, the bank information, your address. Do not reply to these emails unless you are 100% certain they’re coming from Amazon. While I hate to tell people to call Amazon because I know how frustrating it is, if you receive one of these emails, you may want to get on the phone with seller support, or you may send a separate email, not a reply, but a totally separate email to Amazon to document that you’re responding, in case yours did actually come from Amazon, but most likely, it did not, and it’s people just phishing for information to hack into your account.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

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