Amazon Sellers’ News 1/8/20 with CJ Rosenbaum:

Amazon cracking down on related seller accounts, If selling air filters, you might be receiving a restricted product complaint, New Seller Business Verification: accounts are getting hacked.

Amazon cracking down on related seller accounts.

Now they’re referencing section 3 of the new BSA. To give you an example of what is happening, we are seeing that Amazon is (without warning) immediately terminating anybody they believe to be using deceptive or fraudulent activities, and they get the right to determine if you get to appeal for your account. We are trying to give you a warning to be very careful when operating multiple seller accounts because Amazon could be permanently deactivating your accounts.

Amazon does not allow the sale of pesticides, but if you’re selling air filters, you might be receiving either a restricted product complaint or a listing suspension.

If they claim to eliminate bacteria, fungi, or viruses, the EPA is likening them to antimicrobial pesticides. The best thing you can do in this situation would be to go to the EPA, and try and get registration that your air filter is not antimicrobial.

New Seller Business Verification: Check all your information carefully. Accounts are getting hacked.

New business sellers out there, if you are supplying Amazon with all legible utility bills and business licenses, and you’re still receiving a notification that your business cannot be verified, we want you to be very careful and check all your information. We’ve been seeing accounts get hacked and having either their address or their credit card numbers changed. This will cause your account to get flagged and will cause you issues trying to either set up or just run your business. Please make sure you verify all of your information on your backend. This will help you in the long run and make sure you don’t get hacked.

Thank you for watching Amazon Sellers’ News 1/8/2020.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

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