Amazon Sellers’ News 1/20/20 with CJ Rosenbaum:
Distributors selling counterfeit products, “Returnuary” slaughtering sellers, Related accounts suspensions off the charts, Business verification issues, Suspected intellectual property issues.
Distributors are selling Amazon sellers counterfeit products.
To no fault of the Amazon sellers, they’re getting counterfeit products, they’re putting them into FBA, delivering them to consumers, and they’re getting slaughtered. You need to start vetting distributors a whole lot stronger because counterfeits are just flooding the marketplace, especially when it comes to electronic goods and some other categories.
“Returnuary” is huge for returns & consumers are slaughtering sellers.
They’ve been using your products since Christmas. They’ve been wearing your clothes, wearing your shoes, and now they’re returning it as used products. Amazon’s staff in the warehouses are just unable to identify which products should go back into inventory, and which one should not.
Related accounts suspensions off the charts & it continues.
If you call us on Saturday or Sunday, you know we are available seven days a week. What’s going on now with related accounts is that Amazon is accusing sellers who do not have other accounts. They’re just being falsely accused of related accounts and they’re following all the guidelines. They’re not going on from shared WiFi, they’re not hiring staff. We don’t know why Amazon has been falsely accusing more sellers than ever of having related accounts.
Business verification issues are coming in again.
If you need a utility bill and you don’t have one, get a lease. Make sure all your documents have the same phone number, address, and email address, even though that’s ridiculous because many of us have multiple email addresses. You want everything to match when it comes to your business verification.
Suspected intellectual property issues.
What you can do if you have the ability to edit the listing, if you look at that notice very, very carefully, it says right there on it, if you have the ability to edit the listing and you remove the trademark, the logo, the verbiage of the brand, whatever you think is violating or being accused of violating, if you take that off, Amazon says right there in the notice, they will reinstate that listing within 24 hours. If you cannot edit the listing, then you need to reach out to Amazon and let them know what words you believe should be removed. Let Amazon take care of it and get that listing back. As far as we’ve seen, they haven’t caused many suspensions, but you have to take care of these things before it’s a problem.